I would like to announce that I have published a short collection of poems that I have been working on and very proud of in these last few months I have been away.
I am sorry for not being able to post as often as I would have wanted to but I was busy making sure this small endeavor of mine is fruitful.
I will post more often now and hopefully on topics you can relish.
Also, shameless plug because I am proud of the e-book I published. Please find it available on Kindle across all Amazon websites.
The book is about a variety of experiences both personal and through the people in my life. Each poem represents a different mindset of mine, a different journey through time, and a different perspective. It is a culmination of penning down thoughts and rhymes and sorting out the ones that speak out the most to me. This is a labor of love and I am just happy to share it with you.
It is also free if you have Kindle Unlimited and you will be able to enjoy my poems without it costing a penny.
I just want everyone to experience the e-book and I will plan on more publishing in the future.
You can click this link and it will take you there – https://amzn.to/3rP8oDw

Do buy it if possible and leave an honest review of the book if you can. It will help me bring a little more joy to my love for expression through writing and make this a livelihood I would be proud to share. If you love the book, I am so happy and if you didn’t, well an honest criticism is something I would thoroughly appreciate. It will give me more reasons to improve and get better.
To summarize, I launched an e-book I am extremely proud of and you can buy it on Amazon (link below). I will now continue to work on this blog and keep sharing my thoughts.